August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Building Resilient Inclusive Education Post-Pandemic: An Indonesian Case Study
1Aziz Kurniawan, 2Rohmad
1,2UIN Prof K.H Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto; Jl. Ahmad Yani No 40 Purwokerto

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This article aims to describe and analyze the problems faced by inclusive educational institutions in the new normal era in Indonesia. This research uses a mixed-methods approach. Data sources come from school leaders, class teachers, accompanying teachers, and parents of students. Data collection techniques using interviews and questionnaires Data analysis uses interactive analysis for qualitative data and descriptive quantitative analysis for quantitative data. Research is focused on the social, economic, and psychological context of children with special needs (ABK), as well as strategies for school management to continue to provide excellent service in the new normal era. Research has found that the pandemic has had a domino effect on learning in inclusive schools from a social, economic, and psychological perspective. Strategies for overcoming problems are formulated by implementing policies that refer to two main principles, namely the safety and health of students and educators. Learning in inclusive schools has more complex problems; children with special needs need extra assistance in the learning process. The simplification of the curriculum is one of the strategies chosen to facilitate the learning process. Efforts by educational institutions to fulfill the welfare of educators will be successful if they are balanced by the awareness and role of the parents of students. This study recommends that education policymakers, particularly inclusive school managers, develop learning strategies so that learning processes and outcomes are more optimal


Inclusive Education, New Normal, Childrem with Special Needs, Pandemic Impact, Educational Strategies

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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