May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Increasing Students’ Procedural Writing through Think Pair Share and Silent Demonstration
1Sefira Sefriadi, 2Ag.Bambang Setiyadi, 3Feni Munifatullah
1,2,3University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

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Writing English is a problem experienced by students. Some students were found to have difficulty applying their ideas into written form. It causes the information to be conveyed not be communicated properly. Similar to writing procedure text which expects the reader to be able to understand the steps contained in the text. Therefore, the writers are required to be able to develop their ideas in order to achieve the goals of the writing. This paper intends to focus on creating a solution for students in writing procedural text by combining the Think Pair Share and Silent Demonstration techniques. Approximately 60 final year students were selected purposively as the research sample. Using a static-group comparison research design, the students were divided into two different classes: control and experimental, were implemented in these techniques, where the control class only applied Think Pair Share, while a combination of the Think Pair Share and Silent Demonstration techniques utilized in the experimental class. Through the Independent Sample T-Test, the findings were that students with the integration of the integration Think Pair Share and Silent Demonstration techniques had higher writing achievements. The students were able to discuss with their classmates and also get a big picture of the procedures involved in doing or operating something. This was because they had seen several ideas in a video that could help them write down the whole procedure.


writing achievement, writing problems, procedure text, silent demonstration technique, think pair share technique

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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