VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Ardi Putra Prasetya,
2Adrianus Eliasta Sembiring Meliala,
3Iqrak Sulhin
1,2,3Department of Criminology. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia. Depok, Indonesia
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This study explains findings in the field related to the conditions faced by former terror perpetrators after undergoing a period of deradicalization. This study seeks to answer the question, “how is the forecasting of the typology of desistance from terrorism from terrorists who have stopped?” There are new findings related to forecasting conditions or events that can be a catalyst for former terrorists to return to commit acts of terror again. The forecast will include the development of idling mode conditions that tend to be experienced by former terror perpetrators. After idling mode, the catalyst event was found that encourages former terrorists to return to action. This condition is also inseparable from the influence of globalization which has resulted in a lot of information, in which former perpetrators of terror are involved and have a role in the organization of terrorism. On the other hand, there are conditions of former terrorists trapped in ‘dependence states’ of terrorist organizations, which causes them to be unable to escape from terrorist activities. This analysis is based on the findings of focus group discussions conducted in as many as three meetings. This focus group discussion has engaged practitioners and stakeholders related to the handling and countermeasures of terrorism and radicalism. In addition, to get comprehensive data, focus group discussion has also involved former perpetrators of terrorism as a credible choice.
KEYWORDS:Terrorism, Desistance from Terrorism, Deradicalization, Idling Mode, Catalyst Event
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