Zora Arfina Sukabdi
University of Indonesia
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In Indonesia, the involvement of women in terrorism activities have been known as subtle until 2021. In this year of pandemic, a female lone-wolf’s attacking the National Police Headquarter has raised a question if women have taken more front-line roles without direction in terrorism attacks in the country. This study is aimed to investigate the risks of women involved in terrorism organizations in Indonesia. 30 women of the Islamic State (ISIS) and Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) were examined in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. The results show that the average risk score of women in terrorism networks in Indonesia is 3,21; which is at “high” risk. Furthermore, their terrorism Motivation and Ideology are both at “high” risk; while their Capability is at “medium” risk. The findings could help counterterrorism practitioners in planning interven-tion for women in terrorism movements.
KEYWORDS:Terrorism, risks, assessment, female terrorists, extremism
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