1Oksana Chaika (Čajka),2 Natalia Sharmanova
1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony St., Kyiv 03041, Ukraine
2Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Haharin Avenue, Kryvyi Rih 50086, Ukraine
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The article considers the linguistic and cultural aspects of paremic clichés as expressions of the spiritual layer of national culture in the context of multicultural communication. The research is based on the main theoretical approaches to understanding the importance of paremiology for the processes of multicultural communication, which makes one of the study objectives, and the material describes such theoretical approaches by underpinning the importance of cultivating multicultural / polycultural values for educators as a fundamental skill for reaching out to and teaching various audiences. The paper reveals a set of language means attributable to nomination of spiritual markers of national culture in paremias, which may as well speak of ethnic identity in the multicultural complexity. Multiculturalism and polyculturalism are distinguished as opposing each other ideologies and/or trends despite the shared concept of intercultural engagement and communication. The paper reveals that paremic clichés as language units, firstly, make part of diversified linguistic corpus in any language and, secondly, are respected as a spiritual layer of multicultural communication in the ideologies of multiculturalism and polyculturalism. Finally, paremic clichés may best serve as intercultural similar and/or distinct indicators for cultivating culturally marked values for global educators, which carry on their roles and responsibilities in the light of mission rather than classroom instruction in multicultural / polycultural settings.
KEYWORDSparemic cliché, multicultural communication, polycultural values, multiculturalism, polyculturalism
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