
Play Sculpture Model with Waste Metals, Plastics and Fibres
Okogwu Antonia, BA Nigeria, MFA ABU, PhD
Dept. of Fine Arts and Design, University of Port Harcourt

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Play is defined by Advanced English Dictionary as activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules. Play can also be defined as a state where the body and mind is let loose, only engaged in the act in the immediate environment with or without any secondary objectat this junction on would be pondering on what play got to do with sculpture that a study of this nature is striving to interlace The core or thrust of this study is on play and Sculpture and an attempt is made to marry the two major word in this study . It is this marriage that has led the researcher to the dumpsites to source waste metals, plastics and fibres, utilizing welding piecing stringing and construction and assemblage methods in the sculpture studio. This union has given birth to a movable model of play sculpture that can satisfy the yearning of children of about ten years old .As they were thoroughly engaged in the model moving it from one place to another in Campus 1,Delta state University , Abraka, Nigeria. One can see that creativity does not necessarily have to be expensive to be expressed.


Play, Sculpture, wastes, marriage, interlace


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