Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024
Velıyeva Samıra Yusıfalı
Ph.D. candidate, National Aviation Academy
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i09-58Google Scholar Download Pdf
Nowadays, like other language units, lexical and terminological units play an important role in shaping the global information environment. Based on this feature, information is formed and enriched in the orbit of a single terminological and informative function. A linguistic phenomenon that has both a lexical and terminological nature is undoubtedly considered typical of scientific speech. The nature of information in a literary text leads to the creation of new lexical and terminological units. Depending on the change in information, new lexical and terminological units are included in the text every time. The article discusses the types of information (intellectual, mental), emotional, etc. The problems of presenting certain types of information by lexical and terminological means are highlighted, the ways of presenting scientific information in dictionaries and scientific works are solved, and the degree of information provision by individual industry terms is explained. It also reveals new potential meanings of informative terms, and thus reveals the meaning of terminological units in this area, which are an important tool for scientific thinking.
KEYWORDS:lexical and terminological unit, information, information load
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