Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024
1Ni Made Tamansari , 2Ni Made Santini, 3Made Pratiwi Dewi
1,2,3Departement of Management, Faculty Economic and Business, University Warmadewa Denpasar,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i09-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
The rows of restaurants in the coastal area of More Gianyar, Bali offer a variety of tempting seafood dishes. One of the mainstay menus is the more popular beach fish satay, which is the forerunner of the popular Balinese fish satay. More beach is located in the Gianyar district of Bali, about 100 meters from the beach, there are food stalls that provide various fish dishes, ranging from fish head soup, fish satay to fish balls, skewered satay, grilled fish complete with sambal matah and plecing kangkung. This study is the second stage, namely 'Marketing Mix in Influencing Consumer Purchasing Decisions of MSME Culinary Sea Fish in More Gianyar. The sales achieved have not reached the set target, this is one of the phenomena of declining consumer purchasing decisions. This study aims to analyze the effect of the marketing mix on Consumer Purchasing Decisions of MSME Culinary Sea Fish in Gianyar Bali-Indonesia. This study is a quantitative study conducted using the survey method. Data collection using interviews, questionnaires and documentation. While data analysis is carried out using SEM-PLS Analysis. The results of the study show that there are 3 dimensions of the marketing mix that do not directly impact purchasing decisions, namely product, price and people, and there are 4 dimensions of the marketing mix that directly impact purchasing decisions, namely promotion, palace, process and physical evidence.
KEYWORDS:Marketing Mix, Consumer Purchasing Decisions
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