Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024
1Yao Wenhao, 2He Jun, 3Nasir Ali
1,2,3Faculty of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China
2Department of Information and Security Engineering, Ningxia Police Vocational College, Yinchuan, China
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i07-63Google Scholar Download Pdf
As an important tool for educational digitization, the function of the smart blackboard has gradually evolved from a single teaching information-sharing tool to a smart system for knowledge expression, sharing and generation. Smart blackboard technology has been experienced from chalk + blackboard to projection equipment + blackboard, to interactive electronic whiteboard, and then to today's integrated touch, high-definition display and artificial intelligence technology. The evolution process of the smart blackboard is characterized by interactivity, effectiveness and intelligence. At present, the smart blackboard has become a collection of many advanced technologies. It is gradually integrated into modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data analysis and the Internet of Things, making remote collaboration and intelligent classroom management possible. It has become a smart system for big data collection, mining and analysis, evaluation and feedback, and teaching decision-making. Looking forward to the future, the smart blackboard will pay more attention to user experience design, provide an immersive learning experience through Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology, and optimize personalized teaching content in combination with machine learning, to lay a foundation for building an intelligent and personalized teaching environment.
KEYWORDS:Smart blackboard, Technology evolution, Education innovation, Smart learning system, Personalized learning.
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