June 2024

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
On Gender Equality in Junior High School English Textbooks: A Case Study of the Chinese PEP Eighth-Grade Textbooks
1Qianqian Pan, 2Jingdong Zhong
1,2School of English, Zhejiang Yuexiu University, Shaoxing, China
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-06

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With the development of society, the consciousness of female subjectivity has gradually awakened, and the issue of gender equality in the field of education has also attracted more and more attentions. Education plays an important role in constructing students’ concept of gender equality, and textbooks, as an important medium for students to receive education, are an important part of promoting educational equality. In addition, the junior high school stage is a critical period for students to develop values, and textbooks, as an educational medium, should help students establish a correct understanding of gender roles. However, previous studies have shown that there is an implicit bias of gender inequality in teaching materials. This study conducts an in-depth study on gender equality in the PEP eighth-grade English textbooks. It adopts the literature review method to sort out the relevant research at home and abroad, and uses the content analysis method to comprehensively analyze the gender roles, illustrations, and language use in the textbooks. It also combines quantitative and qualitative analysis methods to discuss the current situation and causes of gender equality. The study finds that there are gender stereotypes and gender discrimination in textbooks, which have an impact on students’ gender perception and self-perception. Concerning these issues, this paper proposes improvement countermeasures, aiming to promote the fairness of junior high school English education, to help students establish correct gender concepts and self-awareness, and to provide references and suggestions for the compilation of teaching materials.


English textbooks, gender equality, gender roles, PEP textbooks.

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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