Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Khaerul Firman Mustari
Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Borobudur University, Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-99Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to find out the development of the doctrine of abuse of circumstances as a reason for canceling an agreement in the Indonesian Legal System. The proposed problem formulation contains: How is the development of the doctrine of abuse of circumstances in the Civil Law Legal System, especially Indonesia? and how is the consideration of judges in Indonesia in giving court decisions related to the doctrine of abuse of circumstances? This research includes normative legal research, with data collected based on written regulations and expert opinions. The results of this study indicate that the development of the doctrine of abuse of circumstances has been recognized in the Netherlands which adheres to the Civil Law System in the form of legislation, while Indonesia only recognizes this doctrine as limited to court decisions or has not been adapted in the form of legislation. Nevertheless, some judges in deciding civil cases in Indonesia recognize and use the doctrine of abuse of circumstances as a reason for canceling agreements in several civil cases. This shows a dilemma in the enforcement of justice in Indonesia, especially in the context of civil law considering that Indonesia adheres to the Civil Law System so that the main reference for judges in deciding cases is the law. In this case, the doctrine of abuse of circumstances has not been regulated in written civil law in Indonesia.
KEYWORDS:Civil Law System, Doctrine of Abuse of Circumstances, Indonesian Civil Code, Reason for Cancelling Agreements
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