May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Indonesia’s Engagement in Cultural Diplomacy Shaping its International Image
Brilliant Windy Khairunnisa
Khazar University, Azerbaijan

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As an archipelago nation, Indonesia is renowned for its beautiful tourism sectors, especially on Bali Island. However, Indonesia is analysed as using culture as a major means of diplomacy more strongly than other sectors. Indonesia's involvement as the host of the G20 eventually made many countries observe its image in the international sphere in terms of culture. This study aims to discuss how Indonesia's engagement in cultural diplomacy shapes its international image. This study employs a explorative qualitative research method where primary data is obtained by interviews and observation while secondary data is obtained from literature reviews. This study highlights the cultural diplomacy conducted by Indonesia to build its international image by engaging in international events and cultural performances to foreigners both in Indonesia and abroad.


Archipelago Nation, Cultural Diplomacy, Engagement, Indonesia, International Image

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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