May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Analysis of the Psychological Well Being Profile of Middle School Students around the Riverbanks of Banjarmasin City
1Sulistiyana, 2Muhammad Arsyad,3Aurora Putri Adellia,4M. Nor Faizi
1,2,3,4University of Lambung Mangkurat

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Education is an important aspect of life. Various obstacles arise that affect the quality of education. One of these obstacles is that there are still several cases related to bullying, sexual violence, brawls, intolerance and various other problems, including promiscuity which of course affects the mental health of students at school. Students who have low mental health will have an impact on not achieving student well-being at school. Based on the results of the analysis of the Psychological Well-Being categorization, students identified as having very low and low psychological well-being were 108 students with a percentage of 20% of the total sample taken. Apart from that, students who were identified as having moderate psychological well-being were 247 or 67% of the total sample. Meanwhile, there are 13 students who have a high psychological well-being category or only 4%. These results strengthen the finding that most students tend to have less psychological well-being which has the potential to have an impact on students' mental health at school. However, it also has the potential to improve if mental health-based guidance and counselling services are provided with various supports from parties at the school.


Psychological Well-Being, Teenagers, Mental Health, Riverbank Students

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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