May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Analysis of Consumer Condition Solvements through Consumer Condsolution Translators
1Wihellmina Quein, 2Hamzah,3Rohaini,4Margaret Br Tobing
1,2,3,4Lampung University Faculty of Law

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This study aims to analyse the mechanisms of consumer dispute resolution through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (BPSK) in Central Lampung and to measure the effectiveness of such dispute settlement. The research used is a normativeempirical approach. The results of the research show that the settlement of consumer disputes through BPSK can be done through mediation, conciliation, or arbitration according to the agreement of the parties. While a settlement by arbitration still stands aside for the dissatisfied parties to undertake legal action through litigation. The effectiveness of dispute resolution through BPSK can be measured through several factors such as the mechanism of resolution, the credibility of members of the BSPK, the means and facilities available, the complexity of the dispute, as well as success in enforcing the judgment. Stronger legal protection is needed to ensure compliance of business operators with BPSK decisions, with stronger sanctions and more effective law enforcement for violations as well as increased consumer awareness of their rights and the role of BSPK in dispute resolution is needed through more intensive warrened and educational campaigns.


Dispute Resolution, Efficiency, Consumer consolidation

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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