Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
The Factors That Influences on Working Environment of Government Employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr.Aida Akagić-Hodžić
Lecturer in International University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-35Google Scholar Download Pdf
In today's business environment, the majority of business activities are closely tied to information technologies, which play a crucial role in enabling and facilitating business operations when utilized effectively. There is a growing emphasis on the adaptability of individuals in the workplace and the utilization of human capital in business success. A key requirement for business organizations is the effective management of information technologies, which encompasses the knowledge, skills, and abilities possessed by employees to navigate evolving technology and achieve organizational objectives. This includes proficiency in digital competencies for continuous learning and adaptation to the ever-changing landscape of information technologies. This study introduces indicators related to adapting to changes in the workplace, focusing on human capital engaged in continuous learning and information technologies. The process of adapting to changes is highlighted as a means of transforming essential business competencies into contemporary skills. The integration of these factors in the business framework reflects organizations' readiness to embrace modern business practices. While the research was conducted in state institutions rather than private companies, its significance lies in introducing novel approaches to business practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The recommendations presented at the conclusion of the study aim to further enhance the modernization of business approaches and assess the potential impact of competency gaps on organizational performance.
KEYWORDS:work environment, government employees, digital competencies, lifelong learning, organizational performance.
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