Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Mihaela Postolache
Lecturer, Ph.D. Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences, Constanta, Spiru Haret University from Bucharest, Romania
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
The establishment of the communist regime in Romania began in the immediate aftermath of World War II, with the seizure of power by the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) and the elimination of political opposition. The communist regime imposed a totalitarian ideology based on full state control over all aspects of social, economic and political life. During the communist period, the Romanian state was transformed into a totalitarian state with an authoritarian and centralized regime. Political power was concentrated in the hands of the Communist Party and the state became an instrument of its control. State institutions were subordinated to the party, and the separation of powers in the state was abolished in favour of an executive power dominated by Communist leaders. As far as the legal system is concerned, the communist period brought significant changes in legislation and judicial procedures. The law was used as a tool to control and suppress political opposition and all forms of dissent. Judicial proceedings were politicised and the independence of the judiciary was undermined in favour of the political interests of the communist regime.
KEYWORDS:foreign policy, communist regime, totalitarianism, effects of constitutions, restriction of freedoms.
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