Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
1Nur Indah Tika Haswuri, 2Muhamad Sukirlan, 3Hery Yufrizal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-24
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The objective of the research was to know how the significant difference between teaching explanation text before and after being taught by integrating time token with strip story. The research used the eleventh grade of senior high school Metro which consisted of 25 students. This research used quantitative research with quasi experimental research. Data collecting techniques of the research were speaking test and questionaire. The researcher used Kolmogorov Smirnov of SPSS 16.00. The data were normally distributed if the alpha level was higher than 0.05 (p>0.05).The researcher used the integrating time token with strip story to improve students’ speaking achievement. Time token with strip story was integrating two techniques that could solve the students’ difficulties in teaching speaking.In teaching learning by using time token with strip story consisted of three meetings.The first meeting took the pretest .The result of the pretest showed that the minimal score of the students were 36 and the maximum score was 44. In teaching learning, the researcher gave the students the coupon and asked them to explain the topic by using the strip story on it. The students had 60 seconds to explain the strip story. At the last meeting, the researcher gave the posttest and the score was 78 was the minimum score and 88 was the maximum. Based on the result of we could conclude that integrating time token with strip story can give significant improvement in teaching explanation text at secondary school.
KEYWORDS:Speaking, Time token, Strip story
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