May 2024

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Development of Flipbook -Based E- Modules to Improve Student Learning Outcomes and Learning Motivation
1Ria Indriyani, 2Jasruddin, 3Khaeruddin

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This flipbook-based e-module development research aims to produce e-modules that are valid, practical and effective. The subjects of this research were Class XI PA SMA N 09 Bombana, totaling 23 people. The model used is the Hannafin & Peck development model adapted by Tegeh. The instruments used in this research were e-module validation sheets, implementation observation sheets along with response questionnaires given to students and teachers, motivation questionnaires and students' physics learning outcomes tests. Based on the results of the analysis, the following conclusions were obtained: 1) The flipbook-based e-module developed was said to be valid based on validation results with a value of 3.36. 2) The flipbook-based e-module developed meets the practicality criteria because in the practicality test it is included in the very practical category. 3) The flipbook-based e-module analyzed using N-Gain, namely 0.57, is in the medium category and the student learning outcomes obtained are a class completion percentage of 100%. Thus research on developing flipbook-based E-modules is valid, practical and effective


Flipbook-based e-module, motivation and learning outcomes

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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