Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
Vuong Pham
PhD student at the University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-14Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of the paper is to examine the impact of human resource management on employee performance in Vietnam universities. In addition to empirically testing the hypotheses in the context of university autonomy in Vietnam, the research has attempted to further examine the achieved results and challenges for human resource management in Vietnam's higher education institutions through the variable regulating University autonomy. The findings in the research have provided empirical support for the correlation between human resource management and employee performance in higher education institutions. The author asked for the opinions of several experts on the questionnaire. Then send the test questionnaire to 10 agencies in higher education institutions. The author has adjusted the questionnaire to make it easier to understand to get the most accurate and reliable answers. The author sent the questionnaire during the period from April 2023 to June 2023, the total number of survey questionnaires distributed was 370 questionnaires, of which 350 votes are eligible for analysis.
KEYWORDS:work performance, Vietnam, higher education, human resource management.
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