Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
1Heri Kusmanto, 2Saipul Bahri, 3Muhammad Zubeir Sipahutar
1,2,3Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-13Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study is a comparative study of the political marketing model that occurred in the 2018 Central Java regional election competition in Pati Regency. The focus is on how the political marketing models run by candidates and winning teams in winning the competition, then what causes the strong competition in the election in Pati Regency. The findings of this study include four important things that are the main causes of the strong competition in running political marketing between the winning teams of candidates in Pati Regency, causing different political marketing models to be run to gain support from voters. First, the Work Program offered; Second, Campaign Presentation; Third, Political Marketing Media Channels; Fourth, Personal Branding of Candidate Leadership. The method used is a qualitative method.
KEYWORDS:Local elections, Political Marketing, Comparative Politics.
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