Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
1Zulkarnaini, 2Hendrik, 3Khailani
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-120
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This research was carried out in Galang Baru Village, Galang District, Batam City, Riau Islands Province in February 2023 with the aim of analyzing how much investment, income and profit, and feasibility of an anchovy processing business would be. The method used was a survey with a total of 14 respondents and respondents were taken by census. The results of the research are that the investment spent by Toke for the anchovy processing business on ships has a total value of IDR783,860,000.00. The gross income received by toke from the anchovy processing business on ships amounted to IDR1,103,220,000.00/year and the net income received by toke amounted to IDR353,755,833.33/year. The feasibility of an anchovy processing business on ships using the R/C formula has a value of 1.47, which means the business is feasible to continue, develop and run in the future, the PPC formula gets a value of 2.2, meaning the return on capital in anchovy business activities within 2 year 2 months with an economic life of 10 years, meaning that the return on capital from an anchovy business takes a long time, and the FFR formula gets a value of 45, meaning it is best to invest in that business.
KEYWORDS:Anchovies (Stolephorus sp), Processing, Business
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