Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024
1Sari Ekowati, 2Arief Yulianto, 3Agus Yuwono
1Student Post Graduate Program at Semarang State University, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer at Semarang State University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i05-113Google Scholar Download Pdf
During the implementation of the sixth grade science learning process at SDN 01 Karyomukti, it showed that the majority of students had low learning outcomes. This is due to lack of motivation among students, lack of enthusiasm, lack of enthusiasm and tend to be inactive. Low response to feedback from students to questions and teacher explanations and poor concentration of thinking. To solve problems in order to improve student learning outcomes and student collaboration is to apply the STAD-PjBL collaborative learning model assisted by diorama media which can involve the active role of students. This research employed an experimental methodology designed to examine the effects of specific treatments under controlled conditions. The research utilized a non-equivalent control group design. Both the control and experimental groups underwent a pretest. Different treatments were applied to each group, followed by a posttest to evaluate outcomes. The subjects comprised 16 sixth-grade students from SDN 01 Karyomukti (experimental group) and 13 sixth-grade students from SDN 02 Karyomukti (control group). The pretest and posttest results revealed a significant improvement in the experimental group, with an average increase of 75% using the STAD-PjBL collaborative model assisted by diorama media. Consequently, it can be concluded that the STAD-PjBL collaborative model assisted by diorama media is effective in enhancing the learning outcomes for eclipse topics in the sixth grade at SDN 01 Karyomukti.
KEYWORDS:collaborative learning model, STAD-PjBL, learning outcomes
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