Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Hery Mulyono, 2Achmad Noor Fatirul, 3Djoko Adi Walujo
1,2,3PGRI Adi Buana University of Surabaya, Street Dukuh Menanggal XII-4 Surabaya, East Java
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-34Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of the study is to: 1) find the effect between Hybrid Learning and Online Learning on Learning Outcomes, 2) find the effect between High learning motivation and Low learning motivation on Learning Outcomes, 3) find the interaction between the Use of Learning and learning motivation on Learning Outcomes. This study uses a 2X2 factorial experimental design. The research data were collected using questionnaire methods and test methods. Then the data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA statistical analysis techniques. The research population was all students of class XI SMK PGRI 1 Gresik. With sampling carried out using random sampling techniques. The results of the study concluded that (1) Learning using Hybrid Learning students have better learning outcomes compared to online learning, (2) Students who have high motivation get better learning outcomes compared to students who have low motivation. Moderate (3) there is an interaction between learning and learning motivation on learning outcomes. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that the use of Hybrid Learning and high learning motivation can be used as a benchmark to be considered in the learning process at SMK PGRI 1 Gresik.
KEYWORDS:Hybrid Learning, online learning, learning motivation, learning outcome, Taper Tuning Technique
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