Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Indra Setiawan,2Bernadus Sentot Wijanarka,3Ruli Adrianto
1,2Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3SMK Negeri 2 Sragen, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
The low competence of vocational high school graduates in Indonesia is a problem in meeting the needs of the world of work. Limited learning facilities and infrastructure cause low competence. This class action research aims to analyze the implementation of discovery learning on CNC machining learning achievement. This research was conducted on 18 students of class XII of Mechanical Engineering 2 of SMK Negeri 2 Sragen. Data was collected using multiple choice test instruments to measure knowledge learning achievement and observation sheets to measure CNC machine operation skills learning achievement and 21st-century skills learning achievement. The results showed that implementing discovery learning can improve knowledge learning achievement, CNC machine operation skills learning achievement, and 21st-century skills learning achievement. The increase in knowledge learning achievement can be seen from the pre-cycle results, which reached 6% to 44% in cycle 1 and 83% in cycle 2. The increase in learning achievement of CNC operating skills can be seen from the results of cycle 1, which reached 33% and 94% in cycle 2. The increase in learning achievement of 21st-century skills can be seen from the results of cycle 1, which reached 61% and 89% in cycle 2. These results show that the application of discovery learning has a positive impact on improving student learning achievement. This research is expected to have a follow-up from the teacher so that implementing CNC learning can facilitate students' talents and interests.
KEYWORDS:Education, Vocational High Schools (SMK), CNC, Discovery Learning, Learning Achievement, 21st Century Skills
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