December 2024

Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
Implementation of Improving the Quality of Education in Elementary Schools through Transformational Leadership
1Teguh Trianung Djoko Susanto, 2Eliana Sari, 3Amelia Febriana, 4Mayzita Dwi Amandha, 5Reja Ribertin Milala, 6Syupriadin
1,2Lecturers of Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia
3,4,5,6Students of Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia

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The aim of this study is to identify the role of transformational leadership, explain how the implementation of transformational leadership by elementary school leaders can contribute to the improvement of education quality, and provide practical guidelines for school principals and teachers in implementing more effective and sustainable educational quality enhancement policies. The methodology employed in this research is a literature review, which involves systematically collecting, reading, and analyzing data to critically understand how educational quality improvement is implemented in elementary schools through transformational leadership. Transformational leadership has emerged as a vital option for advancing education in Indonesia, particularly in elementary education. Understanding its concepts, strategies, implementation, supporting factors, and impacts is essential. The analysis revealed that transformational leadership plays a significant role in creating a supportive learning environment that motivates and empowers all stakeholders, including teachers and students. Out of ten reviewed articles, only three were relevant to the topic, while seven were excluded for not directly addressing transformational leadership.


Transformation Leadership, Implementation of Improving the quality Education, Elementary School

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Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024

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