Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Rajeev Paripoornam, 2Dr.Krishan Gopal, 3Ms. Millie Khanna
1,2,3Lovely Professional University.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-60Google Scholar Download Pdf
The basic purpose of this study is to find out the impact of the work in the field of social media and political participation through co-occurrence of key words, citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, document, source, author, Institute and country analysis.
This paper systematically reviews the research work done in the field of social media and political participation from 2010 to 2023. In this paper PRISMA framework for the systematic literature review was used; 789 research articles specific to Social media , and political participation were identified through a structured keyword search on Scopus and web of science Databases.
It was observed that the work in this field started from 2010 but the phenomenal growth was witnessed from 2016.Most of the work in this filed has been done in the developed nations and lot is required to be done in the developing and under developing countries. Social media and political participation has been basic theme with very high relevance and underdeveloped.
Originality/ Value
In the era of highly competitive election phenomenon it is must to understand the value social media and its role in political participation so in this paper an attempt has been made to understand this relationship by mapping the existing available literature
Social Media, Political Participation, Political Attitude, Political Trust, and Political Engagement.
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