Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Mustika, 2Dr. Ni Made Tisnawati,S.E., M.Si.
1,2Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
The development of the digitalization process and the use of technology in the elements of economic influences the payment system in society. One of the main aspect in the transaction process is the payment system used. This research aims to first analyze digitalization readiness cashless payment system for MSMEs in South Kuta, secondly to analyze the simultaneous and partial influence of the owner's skills MSMEs, digital access and digital ecosystems. This research uses a quantitative approach in associative form. The data used in this research is primary data using purposive sampling techniques collection obtained from MSMEs owners in South Kuta, 98 people. The analysis technique used is analysis binary logistic regression. The research results show the readiness of MSMEs owners in South Kuta as seen from the skill variable of MSMEs owners, digital access, and digital ecosystems have differences with research previously. Simultaneously the skills of MSMEs owners, digital access, and the digital ecosystem has a significant influence on the readiness of the digitalization system non-cash payments (cashless) for MSMEs in South Kuta. By the partial variables digital access and digital ecosystem have a significant positive effect while the skills of MSMEs owners do not have a significant effect on readiness to digitize the non-cash (cashless) payment system for MSMEs in South Kuta. Based on research results, to increase readiness MSMEs are advised to ensure that digital access is provided properly and constructively stable digital ecosystem, and the government is expected to consider regulations discounts or transaction rates that apply to MSMEs.
KEYWORDS:Digital payment system; MSMEs; Cashless
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