Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1I Nyoman Kardana, 2I Gusti Ngurah Adi Rajistha, 3Agus Darma Yoga Pratama, 4Made Sri Satyawati
1,2,3Universitas Warmadewa, Bali, Indonesia
4Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
A good communication is reflected in the use of good and appropriate language. Politeness in a language is an important thing that needs to be considered in communication. However, often the problem of politeness in language becomes an obstacle for the younger generation in using Balinese. For that reason, a research on politeness in language related to the use of good and appropriate language in using Balinese is very important to do.
Data of this research is written data of Balinese folklore. To obtain good research results, the data collection method applied in this study is the observation method with the help of notes. The data analysis used matching and distributional methods with intralingual and extralingual techniques. The data was analyzed referring to the view that living language (used orally and in writing) represents facts about nature, society and culture that exist in its environment so that in addition to being a social fact, language is also a record of natural facts as a sign of the relationship between humans and their natural environment.
This study shows that the principle of politeness includes the principle of politeness and the principle of cooperation. Related to the two principles, the forms of compliance with the principle of politeness and the principle of cooperation, the forms of violations of the two principles, and the reasons why violations of the two principles of politeness can occur are studied.
politeness, cooperation, pragmatics, principle
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