Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Halil Arianto,2Suradi Tahmir,3Hasrini Jufri,4LalaRahmi Ramdhani, 5Nurhasanah
1,2,3,4,5UniversitasNegeri Makassar: Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-90Google Scholar Download Pdf
Ethnomathematics examines the relationship between mathematics and culture groups in community activities, it is an approach that can reveal important and unique phenomena about how various cultures implement mathematical principles. This study aims to identify, review, evaluate, and interpret according to the established keywords by analyzing articles within the period of 2020- 2024 related to cultures that use mathematical concepts in community activities, particularly in distribution and trade. Through Systematic Literature Review (SLR), there are 17 article data in the form of journal articles, proceedings, theses, and dissertations which were obtained from the Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar databases. The result of this research is the presence of a different ethnomathematics approach in community activities, particularly in distribution and trade activities based on their culture.
KEYWORDS:Ethnomathematics, Trade, Distribution.
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