Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Sri Retno Widyorini, 2Bambang Joyo Supeno, 3Agus Wibowo
1,2,3University of 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang & St Pawiyatan Luhur, Bendan Dhuwur, Semarang
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-95Google Scholar Download Pdf
Increased development in the economic sector has a positive impact on developments in the trade sector, one of which is the modern market with a franchise system, which has now spread to rural areas. The rapid flow of globalization has triggered a shift in the lifestyle of most people, especially the millennial generation, who no longer choose traditional markets. as a place to shop, they prefer shopping in modern markets. such as Indomart, Alfamart etc. which provide more attractive facilities and service methods than traditional markets. The management model used by mini market businesses is franchising orFranchise, things can be seen starting from business premises that have the same color and design, to the arrangement of goods and even the uniforms of the employees who serve buyers. The development of modern market businesses using the franchise model has a very significant impact on the lack of development of traditional markets if there is no regulation from the government as a policy maker, especially regarding permits for establishment. Limiting the number with a clear radius will be able to protect the sustainability of traditional markets, as well as the need to foster the development of traditional markets so that modern markets such as Indomart, Alfamart and others and traditional markets can run and develop in a balanced manner.
KEYWORDS:Influence; Modern Market; Traditional Markets
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