Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Hamriati, 2Nur Qalbi, 3Radiah Hamid
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-90
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Hamriati, 2023. "An Analysis of Cooperative Learning Model in Teaching EnglishWriting at the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 1 Sidrap." Supervised by Nur Qalbi and Radiah Hamid This research aimed to know the type of Cooperative Learning used by the teachers and to find out the ways teachers implemented the Cooperative Learning Model in teaching English based on the 2013 curriculum. This research employed a qualitative method where the data were acquired through two instruments namely an interview and classroom observation checklist. The subjects of the research were two English teachers who taught the eleventh grade at SMAN 1 Sidrap. The findings of this research revealed that the Cooperative Learning Model used by both teachers was Think Pair and Share. TPS was used by the teachers because it is considered to be beneficial in emphasizing the development of critical thinking skills, expressing ideas, students’ engagement in discussions, and providing more opportunities for group members to contribute. Related to the implementation, both teachers implemented the instructional syntax of the Cooperative Learning Model. However, in the implementation, the teachers were inconsistent with the allocated time, consequently not all students were able to present their discussion outcomes. Therefore, the teachers needed to maintain discipline in managing time during teaching to ensure that all students had the opportunity to present their discussion outcomes.
KEYWORDS:Cooperative Learning Model, Think-Pair-Share and Implementation.
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