January 2024

Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
Construction of Student Identity on the Outfit of the Day Phenomenon on Social Media Instagram
1Yusiatie, 2Rahmadya Putra Nugraha
1Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-78

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In today's digital society, the perspective regarding fashion objects, especially Outfit of the Day (OOTD), has shifted from seeing an item based on used value to symbolic value. There is a strong motivation in consumers to carry out consumption actions, so they consider OOTD products as characteristics that must be implemented through style, clothing, and symbolic meanings that are constructed through new identities. This research aims to find out the construction of adolescent identity and the implications of the identity formed related to the OOTD phenomenon. The theory used in this research is Peter Burke's Identity Theory. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, and uses purposive sampling data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that the process of student identity construction begins when a perception of OOTD such as up to date, fashionable, prestige, elegant is obtained through virtual and social environments which are then compared with previously inherent identity standards. Furthermore, the comparator sends a signal of incompatibility between the incoming perceptions and the identity standards held, so this has implications for impulse buying activities.


Student Identity, Oufit of The Day, Instagram

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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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