Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Ni Made Suwendri, 2I Made Mardika, 3Ida Bagus Astika Pidada, 4Anak Agung Rai Sita Laksmi, 5Ni Ketut Sukiani
1,2,3,4,5Warmadewa University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-64Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to determine the process of Hindu-Buddhist cultural acculturation in Goa Giri Putri Temple, identifying the form and meaning contained in the cultural acculturation. This study uses the theory of cultural acculturation to analyse the process and forms of the cultural acculturation that occur in the temple and multiculturalism theory to analyse the meaning/values involved in the cultural acculturation. The method used in this research is qualitative. Data were collected through an in-depth interview and observation. The data were analysed using a descriptive-analytical technique. The findings show that the process of cultural acculturation in Goa Giri Putri temple is the openness of the community to the entry of outside culture (Chinese culture) into Hindu culture and the existence of community beliefs or faith. Acculturation can be seen in the form of Buddhist worship statues placed alongside the worship (pelinggih) of Hindu gods at the Goa Giri Putri Temple. The means of worship used also do not distinguish between Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Hindu-Buddhist cultural acculturation in Goa Giri Putri Temple has the meaning of providing an understanding of multicultural values and socio-religious values for the people of Karangsari Hamlet, Suana Village, Nusa Penida.
KEYWORDS:cultural acculturation, Hindu-Buddhist, Goa Giri Putri temple, Nusa Penida
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