Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Wiwik Alawiyah, 2Istaryatiningtias, 3Ade Hikmat
1,2,3Muhammadiyah University Prof. DR. HAMKA
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-55Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to analyze: 1) The effect of managerial competence of school principals on teacher motivation. 2) The influence of school climate on teacher motivation. 3) The influence of the principal's managerial competence on the school climate . The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach . The population in this study was 139 kindergarten teachers in Tangerang sub-district with a sample of 103 teachers taken randomly (random sampling). The analysis technique used is the path analysis technique. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known: 1) There is a direct positive and significant influence of the Principal's Managerial competence on the work motivation. This is evident from the results of the calculated value of thet-> table ( 5.488 > 1.984) and the path coefficient value of 0.440; 2) There is a direct positive and significant influence of the school climate on the work motivation. This is evident from the results of the calculated value of the table t- > ( 3.506 > 1.984) and the path coefficient value of 0.166 ; 3) There is a direct positive and significant influence of the Principal's managerial competence on the climate. This is evident from the results of the calculated value of thet -> table ( 7.502> 1.984) and the path coefficient value of 0.598.
KEYWORDS:Managerial Competence; School Climate; Teacher Work Motivation
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