Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Soekma Yeni Astuti, 2Nydya Pavita Wijaya, 3Wajihuddin
1,2,3University of Jember
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-46Google Scholar Download Pdf
A movie’s visual aspect plays a significant role in conveying messages to the audience and building emotional realizations. Mise en scene is one such visual aspect. Based on this explanation, this study aims to find out how mise en scene helps visualize discrimination scenes in the film Miracle In Cell Numb. 7. In 2013, Miracle In Cell Numb. 7 was released as one of the most heartbreaking dramas in South Korea. The selection focuses on the theory of mise en scene by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompsons as the main theory, the theory of discrimination by Jimly Asshiddiqe and ableism by Fiona K Campbell as supporting theories to discuss discrimination, and the theory of the dramatic structure of the Freytag pyramid as a supporting theory to classify scenes of discrimination. The type of research undertaken is qualitative research using descriptive writing techniques. According to this research, aspects of mise en scene in Miracle in Cell Numb. 7 can visualize a discrimination scene by relating aspects of mise en scene to disparities
KEYWORDS:Mise en scene; dramatic structure; discrimination scenes.
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