Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Angela Graciana, 2Eka Fauziah, 3Syifa Retno Gumilang, 4Zahidah Fadhilah, 5Muh. Ramadan Sawal, 6Jihan Aisyah, 7Eliana Sari
1,2,3,4,5,6,7State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
Authentic leadership is the behavior pattern of a leader who is trustworthy, objective, positive thinking, hopeful, well aware of the mission of the organization he leads, is able and ready to overcome organizational problems, a leader who looks confident, optimistic, tenacious, resilient transparent, well-moral, ethically highly dedicated, future-oriented, and gives priority to colleagues to become leaders with integrity and high commitment. This paper aims to analyze and evaluate the role of authentic leadership in shaping innovative organizations. Increasing insight into the role of authentic leadership in shaping innovative culture based on the review literature shows that authentic leadership in shaping innovative culture is one of the keys to the most important efforts that organizations need to develop and improve the quality of organizations to compete with competitors on a national and international scale.
KEYWORDS:Authentic Leadership, Organizational Culture, Innovative
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