Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Aditya Prima Yudha, 2Asep Alipudin, 3Doni Wihartika
1,3Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pakuan
2Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pakuan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-104Google Scholar Download Pdf
Based on the total number of Indonesian citizens that exceeds 275 million, of whom 136 million are women who were primarily employed in the 20–29 age group, this market is very significant for the cosmetics and skincare industry. Numerous cosmetic and skincare brands have emerged both domestically and internationally, with the aim of bolstering the cosmetic and skincare industry in Indonesia. Promoting strategies on digital media, such as social media, may be very effective and efficient provided they are carried out using the right techniques and concepts. The business owner can utilize the feature bar and appropriate content management for customers. The results of this research will highlight the promotion strategy and provide recommendations for promotions that may be carried out using social media. Results of the study indicate that social media promotions with easily understood content received an average score of 84%. Based on survey results, it can also be seen that informative product material received a high score of 79%. For the first variable, the indicator of social media and content promotion shows that 84% of consumers have a high need for skincare products. One of the functions of promotions is to alert customers to problems and needs that they are aware of. Informational and interesting content should also accurately reflect consumer needs and issues.
KEYWORDS:Cosmetic and skincare brands; advertising; social media; content marketing; purchase intention
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