Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
1Adinda Afifah Anwar, 2Akhmad Haryono, 3Bambang Wibisono
1Magister of Linguistics Student, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
2Professor of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
3Professor of Psycholinguistics, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-01Google Scholar Download Pdf
Little Women tells the story of three poor sisters who are involved in a case related to the richest family in South Korea. This article aims to reveal the social class stereotypes contained in the little women series, the factors that influence social class inequality, and also the solutions to these problems. The subjects studied were the three main siblings in the series, namely Oh In Joo, Oh In Kyung, and Oh in Hye. The research method is descriptive qualitative using Hofstede's cultural theory analysis. The analysis is carried out through five dimensions of culture according to Hofstede, namely Power Distance Index, Uncertainly Avoidance Index, Individualism VS Collectivism, Masculinity VS Feminity, and Long-term Orientation VS Short-term Orientation implied in the scenes and dialogues of the Little Women series. The results of the study found 5 social controls from differences in social status, social class stereotypes, and cross-cultural communication. The first is the discriminatory treatment and educational background of the rich and the poor. Then, the power of the upper/higher social class controls everything. The third is the difference between rich and poor families. Fourth, social inequality between the rich and the poor. Finally, the culture of Korean people who want to look luxurious and classy. Overall, it can be seen how the areas of life of the lower social class are under the control or power of the high social class.
KEYWORDS:Social class stereotypes, The Little Women series, Hofstede's cultural dimensions, Cross-Cultural Communication
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