JUNE 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
Difficulty and Some Solutions for Students not Specializing in Information at Van Lang University
1Nguyễn Thu Nguyệt Minh,2Trà Văn Đồng,3Lý Hải Sơn
1,2,3Faculty of Fundamental Science, Van Lang University, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram Street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam
ORCID ID : 10000-0001-5103-2553
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-25

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Basic informatics is a basic subject, so it is inseparable and compulsory in every college and university today. To learn basic informatics, physical, intellectual, and emotional involvement is required to successfully send and express messages through the manipulation of computer transport. However, persuading students who are not majoring in computer science to use computer science as a subject Students are forced to study in a stressful situation, so they always feel anxious, bored and the results reflect it all. This fact does not exclude the learning environment at Basic Science, Van Lang University. In this study, our goal is to survey the status of children in computer learning of students at the whole school, Van Lang University through pointing out the difficulties and challenges in research as well as drawing conclusions. resolve these problems. We also suggest some useful references for related researchers, especially aimed at low-level fellows. We randomly selected the participating students from among the students of Van Lang University to complete a questionnaire consisting of 09 questions. The students are selected as freshmen to keep track of the areas studied. The results show that students who have difficulty in learning informatics have low proficiency and because the subject is a compulsory subject, students have to study it, leading to poor academic results. These results suggest that teaching teachers should build a collection of student feedback surveys for their academic work from which teachers come up with good teaching methods. The attitude of the teacher should be friendly so that the students can mingle and continue in an enjoyable class and they will advance just in time (Thu Nguyet Minh Nguyen, 2021).


Limitations in computer learning of first-year students


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023

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