MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
The Influence of Parental Role and Parenting Pattern Through Children's Discipline on Children's Independence in Kindergarten B
1M. Syarifuddin,2Karyono Ibnu Ahmad,3Sulaiman
1,2,3Master’s in early childhood education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia

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This study aims to examine the effect of parental roles and parenting styles on children's discipline through children’s independence in kindergarten B, Sungai Bilu Urban Village. A total of 134 children in group B Kindergarten at Sungai Bilu Urban Village participated in this study, which used a quantitative descriptive research design. Data collecting methods included observation and the distribution of questionnaires. Multiple correlation approaches and path diagrams were used to present a picture of the correlation between variables based on the assumptions utilized in data analysis. The study's findings indicated that: (1) parental role has a significant effect on the independence of Kindergarten B children in Sungai Bilu Urban Village; (2) parenting style has a significant effect on the independence of Kindergarten B children in Sungai Bilu Urban Village; (3) children’s discipline has a significant effect on the independence of Kindergarten B children in Sungai Bilu Urban Village; and (4) parental role has a significant effect on the discipline of Kindergarten B children in Sungai Bilu Urban Village. (5) Parenting style has a significant effect on the discipline of Kindergarten B children in Sungai Bilu Urban Village; (6) Children’s discipline significantly mediates the influence of the role of parents on children's independence in Kindergarten B, Sungai Bilu Urban Village; and (7) Children’s discipline significantly mediates the effect of parenting style on children's independence in Kindergarten B, Sungai Bilu Urban Village.


Parental Role, Parenting Style, Children Discipline, Children Independence


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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