MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Position and Moral Existence in System Law in Indonesia
1Duwi Sekarsari,2Fx. Joko Priyono
1,2Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

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This research will specifically discuss the position and essence of morality in the legal system in Indonesia. The research method used is normative juridical with a conceptual approach. The results of the study concluded that Essence Moral is determinant Good bad behavior man from corner ethical or ethics, moral based on decency and decency. Moral principles occupy a basic role in enforcement law. According to, Ronald dworkin law interpreted using a morality approach consistent, especially fairness. Which thing to do especially in solve cases Which difficult And complicated. By therefore, moral become part Which No inseparable from knowledge law. If Law is seen as a rule loaded mark And contained moral in inside so truth Which want to embodied more on truth substantive. For support law enforcement that is no longer confined to dogmatics law or method think legalistic formalistic so Already it's time developed idea law progressive in process enforcement law as part development from system law modern.


Morale, Law, System Justice


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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