1Windy Humayra,2Rustam Effendi,3Suhaimi
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i3-67Google Scholar Download Pdf
School going forward or even backward is largely determined by the leadership style applied in leading school residents. Principals who have the right strategies in transforming all elements of the school will be able to provide quality improvement and progress for a school. Achieving educational goals and improving the quality of schools is the duty and responsibility of the principal. The principal must be able to determine strategies so that this can be met. The strategy that can be done is to build cooperation by empowering all school residents for the realization of the vision, mission, and goals of education. When the vision, mission, and goals have been realized, this is an indication that a school is on a current that takes it towards achieving quality education. Transformational leadership eases the way for school principals to improve the quality of education. The focus of this research includes: (1) the principal's leadership at SDN Pasar Lama 1 and SDN Sungai Miai 10 Banjarmasin, (2) the principal's strategy in implementing the vision and mission at SDN Pasar Lama 1 and SDN Sungai Miai 10 Banjarmasin, (3) the principal's strategy in improving the quality of education at SDN Pasar Lama 1 and SDN Sungai Miai 10 Banjarmasin. The research approach used is qualitative multi-site type study. Data were collected through participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are individual data analysis techniques and cross-case analysis. Meanwhile, the validity of the data is checked by means of internal validation, external validation, reliability, and objectivity.
KEYWORDS:Leadership, principal, quality education
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