MARCH 2023

Discourse on Sukarno's Narrative in History Textbooks: Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis of the 3rd Grade History Textbook Curriculum 1975
1Ditya Rismawan,2Hieronymus Purwanta,3Susanto
1,2,3History Education Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No 36, Surakarta, 5712

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The construction of an understanding of Sukarno is strongly influenced by how the discourse about Sukarno is produced. Discourse about Sukarno can only be traced through texts documenting the narrative about Sukarno. This study aims to describe how Sukarno is contained in the text. This research uses Qualitative research methods with a Critical Discourse Analysis approach. Critical Discourse Analysis uses Norman Fairclough's model with a model framework, namely, Text analysis, Discourse practice, and Sociocultural practice. The results of this study showed that: (1) texts about Sukarno in the Indonesian history textbook chapter of Guided Democracy in the 1975 curriculum were studied in the early stages, namely text analysis by looking at the relationship between words; (2) The text data that has been obtained is then analyzed using the second stage, namely Discourse practice, which is a stage to see how the production and consumption of the text; (3) The last stage in Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis model is Sociocultural practice, which is a stage where it looks at external influences in influencing a discourse.


Sukarno, Textbook, Critical Discourse Analysis, Guided Democracy, Curiculum 1975.


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