MARCH 2023

Concern of Students in Elementary Schools to the Environment
1Dian Agus Ruchliyadi,2Heru Puji Winarso,3 Rabiatul Adawiah
1,2,3Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lambung Mangkurat Jalan Brigjen H. Hasan Basry Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

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The purpose of this study was to determine students' concern for the environment, especially those on the riverbanks of Banjarmasin City. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out using interviews, questionnaires, and observation techniques. The data obtained were analyzed using interactive model analysis techniques. This research was conducted at a public elementary school near a river in Banjarmasin City. The results of this study indicate that the awareness of students in the city of Banjarmasin, especially at the elementary school level, is: very good 9%, good 54%, not good 36% and very bad 1%.


caring, students, elementary school, environment


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