Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
1Suhendi, 2R. Madhakomala
1,2Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Faculty of Education Management, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-94Google Scholar Download Pdf
Globalization is an integral part of modern life. Free competition is increasingly evident in its influence in realizing the market. Under these circumstances, all institutions, especially education, are required to be able to create efficiency, prioritize quality, customer satisfaction and take advantage of opportunities quickly in order to compete and survive. Competition is an element that cannot be negotiated anymore. An organization or institution can improve and maintain quality by building a quality improvement system and determining standards (TQM) Total Quality management or called integrated quality management. Based on the background above, the problem in this study is what factors are the root of the problem in improving the quality of graduates, and how the strategic plan in improving the quality of graduates. Ishikawa's statement gives a message that in managing an organization, including an educational organization, it must carry out process quality control. This is important to maintain quality and maintain the existence of the organization with the ultimate goal of meeting customer satisfaction, so it is very possible that the concept can be applied to the world of education. For this reason, a comprehensive understanding of the concept is needed so that it can be implemented properly. From this background, this article will examine the concept of improving the quality of education according to Kaoru Ishikawa. Thus, a comprehensive picture of the concept and its implementation in order to improve quality in education will be obtained.
KEYWORDS:Education Quality Improvement, Ishikawa Diagram.
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