Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
1Willfridus Demetrius Siga, 2R. Madhakomala
1,2Faculty of Education Management, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-67Google Scholar Download Pdf
The issue of education equity has always been a problem of education in Indonesia. The government policy on the zoning system for new student admissions is one of the solutions offered to support the education equity program. The implementation of the zoning system policy has an impact on improving the quality of schools and students because the registration path for students by the provisions of the domicile zoning area determined by the local government. This study analysis raises the topic of improving the quality of schools and learners to encourage education equity through the implementation of the zoning system for new student admissions. The purpose of this analysis is to examine the implementation of school and learner quality management as a form of support for equal access to education, which is one of the objectives of the government's policy on the zoning system for new learners. A descriptive qualitative approach through a literature study traced in official documents, reference books, websites, government policies, and journals related to the research topic is used in this study. The results of the study on the above topic can be concluded that the new learner admission zoning system policy encourages the improvement of the quality of schools and learners through the quality of services, teacher competence, availability of facilities and infrastructure, and participation of education stakeholders including the government by adhering to the principles of quality assurance for equitable, objective, transparent, and fair education.
KEYWORDS:Quality, School, Students, Equity, Zoning System
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