Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
Wang Bin
Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-55Google Scholar Download Pdf
It is vital to promote Chinese culture and values through martial arts education, and the curriculum should reflect this cultural history. With this in mind, the research will seeks to investigate perception of Physical Education teachers on Martial Arts Education and its cultural awareness of the students. taking into consideration diverse sociocultural backgrounds and beliefs. This study used a quantitative-comparative-correlational research design, which combined quantitative research, comparative research, and correlational research to examine the attitudes of Physical Education teachers (PE) towards Martial Arts Education and the cultural awareness of students. 70 PE teachers were selected to participate at a renowned university in Beijing, China. Physical education teachers generally have positive attitudes towards martial arts education, focusing on beliefs, engagement, and social norms. However, some teachers express less confidence, suggesting opportunities for professional development. Cultural awareness among martial arts students is high, with teachers encouraging understanding and respect. A weak negative correlation exists between attitudes and socio-cultural awareness.
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