December 2023

Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
Mathematical Literacy of Middle School Students Improving Awareness Levels: Design-Based A Research
1Sümeyye Güner Bedir, 2Prof. Dr. Ayten Pınar Bal
1,2Çukurova University, Faculty of Education, Departmant of Math Education, Adana, Turkey

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Design-based research develops practical solutions to complex real-life challenges through reasoning to improve students' mathematical literacy achievement levels and mathematical literacy awareness levels. In this context, this method was used to determine the needs of the students and to see whether the applications made in line with their deficiencies worked or not, thus to observe that the system worked and their mathematical literacy improved. Working with the real world in the design-based research method provides formal evaluation beyond narrow measurements in reaching research results of contextual learning. This research was designed according to a design-based research model in order to improve the mathematical literacy success levels and mathematical literacy awareness levels of secondary school students. The study group consists of 43 sixth grade students in Dörtyol district of Hatay province in the 2018-2019 academic year, according to the criterion sampling type, one of the purposeful sampling types. Mathematics literacy achievement test and mathematics literacy self-efficacy scale (MOÖYÖ) were used as data collection tools in the study. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and independent groups t test were applied in the analysis of quantitative data. According to the quantitative results of the research, students received low scores in the preliminary achievement test, but their intermediate success, final success and retention scores increased; It was concluded that mathematical literacy (ML) scores also increased positively.


PISA problems, non-routine problems, mathematical literacy, PISA, TIMSS, academic achievement, question writing process characteristics, problem posing, contextual problem

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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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