Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
Danang Satria Nugraha
Sanata Dharma University, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55002
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study delves into the complex and intricate realm of human emotions, specifically focusing on the cognitive structure of longing, as it is portrayed through Indonesian proverbs. The study employs a comprehensive methodology rooted in Cognitive Semantics Analysis and Qualitative Methods. The main objective of this study is to unravel the intricate web of thought processes, cultural nuances, and linguistic expressions associated with the profound emotion of longing within the context of Indonesian proverbs. To achieve this objective, the study meticulously scrutinizes a diverse corpus of Indonesian proverbs. The study aims to uncover the underlying cognitive patterns and conceptualizations that shape how longing is linguistically and culturally framed by analyzing the linguistic elements, metaphorical expressions, and cultural connotations within these proverbs. The results show that (1) one of the most striking features of Indonesian proverbs is their frequent use of metaphorical expressions to convey the experience of longing, (2) Indonesian proverbs frequently emphasized the communal and relational aspects of longing; longing was often depicted as a force that strengthens bonds between individuals, reflecting the collectivist nature of Indonesian society, and (3) that the emotion of longing is deeply embedded in Indonesian culture and society. This study offers valuable insights into the cultural fabric of Indonesia. Exploring the interplay between cognition, language, and culture in the context of longing sheds light on the intricacies of human emotional experiences and their representation in language. Additionally, the study contributes to the field of Cognitive Semantics and enriches our comprehension of the human condition.
KEYWORDS:Cognitive Semantics Analysis, Mental Connotation, Longing-related Proverbs, Indonesian.
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