Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
1Sabrin, 2Hasbullah, 3Nasir Mangngasing, 4Daswati, 5Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan
1Social sciences doctoral program student, Tadulako University
2,3,4,5Tadulako University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i12-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to determine the handling of the elderly in Palu City by looking at the implementation process of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 60 of 2008. The approach used in this research itself is a qualitative descriptive approach. Qualitative research itself is a research that produces and manages descriptive data, such as interview transcripts and observations. While descriptive is a study that seeks to reveal a problem and situation as it is, for this reason researchers are limited to only stating facts and not using hypotheses. The results of this research itself show that the implementation of policies for handling the elderly through the Regional Elderly Committee in Palu City has not gone well. By using the theory put forward by Edward III (1980) as a research basis, it is known that all aspects are not working well. In the communication aspect, it can be seen that there are deficiencies in the transmission dimension and clarity dimension, proving that the communication carried out by the Palu City Regional Commission for the Elderly in implementing the policy for handling the elderly is not working as it should. In the resource aspect, it can be seen that there is a shortage of human resources and budget resources during the process of implementing policies for handling the elderly in Palu City. Meanwhile, in the disposition aspect, it can be seen that several informants did not delegate the handling of the elderly to the technical OPD who understand how to handle the elderly as they should, which shows that there is a lack of coordination among all the administrators of the Palu City Elderly Committee. As for the bureaucratic structure aspect, it can be seen that there is a mismatch between the resource aspect which is not running well and the bureaucratic structure aspect, where the essence of this aspect prioritizes the policy implementation process which must use mechanisms.
KEYWORDS:Policy Implementation, Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure, Elderly Handling
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